/* Color Theme - Amethyst /Violet/ color - #fbd15d /* 01 MAIN STYLES ****************************************************************************************************/ #mainmenu li li a:hover, .price-row, .blog-list .date, .blog-read .date, .slider-info .text1, #filters a.selected, .btn-primary, .bg-id-color, .pagination > li > .current, .pagination > .active > span, .pagination > li > .current:hover, .pagination > .active > span:hover, .pagination > li > .current:focus, .pagination > .active > span:focus, .dropcap, .fullwidthbanner-container a.btn, .feature-box-big-icon i, #testimonial-full, .icon-deco i, .blog-list .date-box .day, .bloglist .date-box .day, .single-content .date-box .day, .feature-box-small-icon .border, .small-border, #jpreBar, .de-gallery .overlay .icon i, .date-post, .team-list .small-border, .de-team-list .small-border, .btn-border:hover,a.btn-border:hover, .btn-border.hover,a.btn-border.hover, .wpcf7-form input[type=submit]:hover, .owl-arrow span, .de-progress .progress-bar, #btn-close-x:hover, .box-fx .info, span.overlay, .widget_search input[type=submit], #blog-comment input[type=submit], #view-all-projects { background-color: #fbd15d; border-left: 4px solid #18213e; } a, .feature-box i, #mainmenu li:hover > ul, .date-box .day, .slider_text h1, .id-color, .pricing-box li h1, .title span, i.large:hover, .feature-box-small-icon-2 i, address span i, .pricing-dark .pricing-box li.price-row, #mainmenu a:hover, #mainmenu a.active, header.smaller #mainmenu a:hover, header.smaller #mainmenu a.active, .pricing-dark .pricing-box li.price-row, .dark .feature-box-small-icon i, a.btn-slider:after, .feature-box-small-icon i, a.btn-border:after, .team-list .social a, .de_contact_info i, .de_count, .de_testi blockquote:before, .dark .btn-border:hover:after, .dark a.btn-border:hover:after, .dark a.btn-border.hover:after, a.btn-text:after, #subheader h1 span, .heading b, .text-item b, .blog-list h3.id-color { color: #fbd15d; } .feature-box i, #filters a:hover, #filters a.selected, .pagination > li > .current, .pagination > .active > span, .pagination > li > .current:hover, .pagination > .active > span:hover, .pagination > li > .current:focus, .pagination > .active > span:focus .feature-box-big-icon i:after, .social-icons i, .btn-border:hover,a.btn-border:hover, .btn-border.hover,a.btn-border.hover { border-color: #fbd15d; } .box-fx .inner, .dark .box-fx .inner{ border-bottom-color: #fbd15d; } .callbacks_nav { background-color: #fbd15d; } .widget_categories li{ border-left:solid 3px #fbd15d; } .de_tab .de_nav li span { border-top: 3px solid #fbd15d; } .feature-box-big-icon i:after { border-color: #fbd15d transparent; /*same colour as the lower of the bubble's gradient*/ } .de_review li.active img{ border:solid 4px #fbd15d; } .red{color:#ff0000 !important;} .teal{color:#009999 !important;} .purple{color:#663366 !important;} .green{color:#009900 !important;} /**** STYLE FOOTER ****/ footer { background: #17223d; color: #ffffff; }